Action makes a difference….
The Foundation sponsors its annual Homeless Feeding Program benefiting the homeless people in and around West Palm Beach, FL. The annual Homeless Feeding program, in memory of Abi, is held at St. Ann Place on December 19 every year. Over 200 lunch items like sandwiches, bananas, chips, cookies, soft drinks, candy canes and mint ball candies, and cakes have been distributed every year. The homeless people express their happiness and kind words about Abi, such that “because of this young man we are getting a good lunch today”. Your support is highly appreciated.
You can contribute to the Homeless Feeding Program:
– By donating or contributing goods for the lunch, such as the items listed above.
– By volunteering to prepare lunches or serving the lunches at homeless center.
You can make a donation any time to achieve above activities via paypal to or by visiting or sending checks payable to Abi Kattel Memorial Foundation to the address: 12197 Sunset Point Circle, Wellington, FL 33414.